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Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik und Medizingeschichte (IBME)

Update: Workshop "Sensory and Emotional Experiences: Pracitices of Mind-Body Medicine in the 20th Century" is taking place from 28th to 29th September

Sarah Scheidmantel and Leander Diener from the History of Medicine Department are hosting their workshop "Sensory and Emotional Experiences: Practices of Mind-Body Medicine in the 20th Century" together with Josephine Selander (ETH Zurich).

Due to Covid-19, the event has been rescheduled and takes place from 28th to 29th September. Online participation is possible via Zoom link. See the flyer (PDF, 1 MB) with further information on the subject, as well as general information.

We´d be happy to see you there to think and discuss together with us and our two interesting guests Anja Laukötter (Berlin/Strasbourg) and Staffan Bergwik (Stockholm)!

Please register by 21. September via email to:
