Lea Heistrüvers
- PhD Student
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Lea Sophie Heistrüvers obtained a Bachelor degree in Sociology and Theology at the Hamburg University. During her stay at the Hamburg University, she focused on medical sociology, healthcare systems, welfare states and conducted qualitative research on “Young Carers”. She went on to study the interdisciplinary Master “Medicine-Ethic-Law” at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. There she developed her research interested towards eating disorders and the related ethical challenges. She completed a 7 month-long internship at the clinical ethics at the University Hospital Zurich. During her stay, she encountered different issues associated with eating disorders/mainly anorexia nervosa. Continuing her prior interests, she focused her master´s thesis on the effects of Anorexia nervosa regarding Decision-Making capacity. Currently she is working on a project concerning informed consent for diagnostic procedures and their documentation at the University Hospital Zurich.
Besides her academic work, she completed her volunteer training (120 h) at an ambulant children’s hospice. She volunteered there for the duration of her Bachelor studies and was able to work with several different children and their families. Continuing her volunteer training, she was able to complete a 5 month-long internship at the hospital chaplaincy in Hamburg.