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Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine (IBME)


Name Main Affiliation
Brauer, Susanne Ethikern und Philosophin
Clarinval, Caroline WHO Country Office Representartive Romania
Dagron, Stéphanie Professor for International Law at University of Geneva
Deplazes Zemp, Anna

Lecturer für Ethik und Philosophie der Biologie – Department of Molecular Life Sciences

Feuz, Martin Researcher at ZHAW School of Management and Law
Gottlieb, Anna Assistant Professor for French Studies
Hodel, Martina Klinische Ethik in der Psychiatrie/Konsiliarpsychiatrie Luzern
Kapitza, Thomas

Sachverständigenbüro Kapitza

Kellmeyer, Philipp Assistant Professor for Responsible AI and Digital Health – University of Mannheim
Loi, Michele Algorithmwatch Germany and Independent Researcher
Mouton Dorey, Corine Corine Mouton Dorey bei LinkedIn
Roduit, Johann Founding Partner of Conexkt
Rosca, Ana Clinical Ethics City Hospital Triemli
Schwind, Bettina Careum Hochschule Gesundheit
Shamsi, Ehsan Assistant Professor at Tehran University of Medical Scienes
Trachsel, Manuel Leiter Klinische Ethik Basel
Viganò, Eleonora Project Leader at the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
Wang, Ning Digital Society Initiative