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Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine (IBME) Masterclass in Biomedical Ethics

with: Katrien Devolder

The Masterclass with Dr Devolder took place on May 31, 2024, at the IBME.
Beatrix Göcking, Ivette Ortiz Alcántara, and Julian März, all research fellows at the IBME, presented their working papers in progress in the field of medical ethics, specifically on resource allocations, gene therapies, and decision-making in neurocritical care.

Dr. Katrien Devolder is Senior Research Fellow and Director of Public Engagement and Researcher Development at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, and an Official Fellow at Reuben College, where she co-leads the Ethics and Values Theme. She previously held a Marie Curie Fellowship at Oxford to complete a project on moral complicity of medical professionals in others’ wrongdoing, and a Wellcome Trust Fellowship to work on her project ‘The Ethics of Genome Editing in Livestock’. Katrien has published two monographs outlining major positions in the embryonic stem cell debate (OUP, 2015) and the ethics of human cloning (Leuven University Press, 2001). She has widely published in the field of biomedical ethics pertaining to the treatment of sex offenders, genetic selection, gamete donation, life extension, compromising in bioethical debate, euthanasia at prisoners’ requests, and gene editing. Her most recent work focuses on the concept and ethics of laziness. Katrien also produces interviews with academics to make complex ethical debates accessible to a wide audience. The interviews can be viewed on  The Practical Ethics Channel