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The History of Medicine Department is part of the Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine within the University of Zurich (UZH). It is an interdisciplinary chair and the team participates in research and teaching in the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. phil. Flurin Condrau is the chairman of the History of Medicine Department.
The researchers of the History of Medicine Department are also members of the Center « History of Knowledge » (Center of Excellence of UZH and ETH Zürich) and participate in the AG Medical Humanities.
The Department of History of Medicine stems from the History of Medicine Institute, founded in 1951. From 1957 to 1971, the German-American medical historian, physician and ethnologist Erwin H. Ackerknecht (1906-1988) was the Chairman of the Institute. Ackerknecht made the Zurich Institute internationally known.
The Chairs for the History of the Anthropocene and for the History of Medicine and the SNSF-PRIMA Professorship, Rice Knowledge and Practices, announce the Spring 2025 programme of the History of Medicine, Science, and the Anthropocene Research Colloquium.
Beat Bächi, Postdoc und Projektleiter des SNF-Projekts
Nutztiere im Anthropozän, schreibt in der Zeitung Schweizer Bauer über die Veränderung der Schweinekörper im 20. Jahrhundert – und welche Geschichte sich an ihnen nachvollziehen lässt.
The annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History (ISCH) took place in Potsdam, 4.-6. September 2024, under the subject of “Embodied Histories”. Martina Sochin-D’Elia contributed with her talk about “Rituals, practices and beliefs surrounding the dead child’s body”.
Das Archiv für Medizingeschichte offeriert ein kostenloses Lehrangebot zur Archivrecherche und zum Umgang mit Quellen im Archiv. Es richtet sich an Bachelorstudierende als Ergänzung zum Basismodul I am historischen Seminar und findet am 28. Oktober 2024 statt. Weitere Infos und Anmeldung
We are delighted to share the fall program for our History of Medicine, Science & the Anthropocene Research Colloquium, jointly organized with the Chair for the History of the Anthropocene and the SNSF-PRIMA Professorship: Rice Knowledge and Practices.
The sessions will take place on Wednesday, 14:00-15:45, Room KOL-G-222, Karl Schmid-Strasse 4. Please note that there will be an extraordinary lecture in collaboration with the interuniversity doctoral program in Gender Studies on Tuesday, October 29th, 16:15-17:45, Room KOL-F-104.
To receive a copy of the paper or join our mailing list, please email
We look forward to hopefully seeing you there.
Soeben erschien die Neuauflage von "LSD auf dem Land. Produktion und kollektive Wirkung psychotroper Stoffe" von Beat Bächi. Weiteres über das Buch ist ausserdem im Podcast von provisorischlegal zu erfahren.
Sarah Scheidmantel erklärt im Interview mit CH Media, wie historische Bedingungen in der Medizin dazu beigetragen haben, dass es noch heute zu wenige Daten über den weiblichen Körper gibt. Sie Beitrag (paywall) oder
Bruno Esperante is Assistant Professor of Economic History at the University of Santiago de Compostela. He has focused mainly on the History of Innovation and Technological Change in Agriculture in the XXth Century. Currently, he works on the historical construction of an environmental problem: nitrate and ammonia contamination by livestock slurry.
The workshop Historicizing Farm Animals: Cowsheds, Battery Cages, and Pigsties as Laboratories for One Health is organized by the Chair for the History of Medicine at the University of Zürich, and the Swiss National Science Foundation project “Farm Animals in the Anthropocene”. It will take place from 11th June to 13th June 2025 in Zürich, Switzerland and features a keynote by Hannah Landecker (University of California, Los Angeles).
Auf der britischen Online-Plattform "The Polyphony. Conversations across the medical humanities" gibt Sarah Scheidmantel einen Einblick über die Verbindung der Überwachung von Sexualität, Massage-Instituten und Bordellen.