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Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine (IBME) Bioethics & Society

Pandemic control in nursing homes

The coronavirus pandemic created a complex situation in nursing homes. To protect the lives of extremely vulnerable elderly people, homes adopted several non-pharmaceutical interventions, including restricting movements and banning visits. However, these are known to have directly and indirectly had detrimental effects, such as loneliness and feelings of depression. The project will investigate the underlying mechanisms and consequences of the dichotomy created by the benefits and detrimental effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of local pandemic provision practices and social isolation measures in nursing homes, the researchers will examine the perspectives of residents and their relatives, care staff and home managers.

Involved Researchers


Academic Staff:

Financed by: SNF; NRP 80 Covid-19 in Society

Duration: 01. April. 2023 - 31. March 2026

Detailed description